Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Getting to know Myself

Often my mind drifts toward the notation that being a mere person makes one insignificant to the much more vast world. Almost like the ant that walks across your kitchen floor. This may hold some truth, but to say it applies to everything we do would be a fictitious statement. It becomes apparent that any individual has the ability to change the rest of the world for all those who occupy it. Today was one of the first time in months I felt to be journeying down a path that will not only be fun, but aid me in helping others as well. This is all due to my motor development lab class, under Dr. Stephen P. Yang at Suny Cortland. Today I relearned that people do impact a lot of lives and may never realize it. I feel as if this class lab will teach me a lot about myself, and also be highly rewarding. All we did today was interact with children, and from today alone it became apparent to me that children are very much so influenced by their surroundings.

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