Sunday, February 14, 2010

Attempting to break Inhibitions

The other day was the first time my peers and I got to not only interact with the children at the after school program, but also attempt to lead them in a game as well. It became appearant to me that it's a task in itself to sell the game and maintain their attention while doing so, let alone get a structured game going. It's the same for you and I when we're approached by a salesman with his " spectacular deal that'll only take a moment of your time". The majority of us aren't interested due to the salemans pitch. Dispite the fact that we may have been excited and interested, it must have been obvious we were holding back still. The pre-k students must have read this, and became less interested. We had them gather in a circle while we attempted to sell them the game, but it wasn't so easy. They often asked questions completely unrelated to anything at hand, and one child actually walked away. I feel as if this was a great first experience, that will help shape our future attempts into future successes! We just need to find our armors kinks, and keep going forward from there. Though I do feel being more silly, and open toward the children would be a great start. Also our instructor gave us grate pointers. He told us to try talking to them in the corner, so they aren't facing activities that can distract them. He also suggested speaking in ways that keep attention, which would also be a big help. I feel as If next time we'll be much more prepared to have a great class for the kids, I'm very excited!

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