Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Adding tricks to the arsenal

The children seemed to be less interested in playing our games the last time we went to the after school program. The majority cooperated and played to the rules, while others participated and just did what they wanted. During a particular game the children where suppose to horizontal jump from place mat to place in order to avoid stepping on the lava(actual ground). This one boy in blue tennis shoes was in the first quarter of the students to go through this station. He deliberately stepped over every piece of place mat and exclaimed " I'mmm walkingggg on all the lava". Other kids did things of this nature on other activities. Some instead of leaping over the ropes simply walked over them, of instead of sliding just ran through the road cones. Not all acted this way in defiance, some seemed simply to young to fully understand the movements. The next game was a modified version of rock paper scissors. After being gathered in to a half circle the children really didn't wish to listen and play the game. Some sat out, while we tried to play the game with others. Despite our efforts the kids really didn't want to play. Until a graduate student helped us take control . Rather than use the half circle method to explain the game, she had all the kids line up facing a partner. Then once again the game was explained, where it worked! Getting them to play was literally as simple as approaching it differently. Once in a line facing a partner the children where already in a game like setting, where it would seem harder to just walk away for them. This is an idea, I personally plan to implicate into explaining my games to the children.

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