Monday, April 5, 2010

Getting a curve ball

Last time at Saint Mary's I planned on teaching a game to the younger kids. Do to them being young, I was expecting to sell it through the Easter bunny pitch. Then we got thrown a curve ball, and had to implement our games to the older children. This meant not only was my prepared hook out the window, but my game as well. The game I had planned on playing would have been to simple and boring to the older children. So i had to Switch it up.
Luckily I had considered a few games for this particular skills assessment, so I went with a game that I figured was to difficult for the younger children. It was my favorite game in High school, they called it end-zone football. There are two teams, and the objective is to pass the ball into the other teams end-zone without dropping a pass(this results in a turn over at the location of the ball). The catch is once you catch it you can only take three steps, so it puts an emphasis on passing and teamwork. The game starts by the instructor just throwing the ball up, and what ever team gets it begins the game from there.
End-zone football seemed to go as a hit with the children. Joe even modified it so it didn't get old by placing buckets at each end-zone, and then requiring the kids to shoot the football into them to score. The kid's even asked to play the game after it was done. I'm very happy with how the day went. Despite my happiness with the day, I know I can do a lot better to sell and instruct the games. I look forward to getting better, and learning much more!

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